Right Up My Podcast

Ep.6 - Grounding: The health benefits of being barefoot, from pain and stress relief, to improved sleep and reduced inflammation | Gaetan Chevalier

Gwen Watson and Kate White Season 1 Episode 6

Come on a journey of discovery into the world of Grounding, aka Earthing. It turns out there is a reason why it feels so good to be barefoot, whether that's on the beach or in the grass – something so simple that we humans have been doing forever, although less so in our modern lives. Dr. Gaetan Chevalier PhD, Director of The Earthing Institute, talks us through the research being done on the health benefits associated with regularly spending time barefoot on the ground, including pain and stress relief, improved sleep and reduced inflammation.

To find out more about Grounding, head to The Earthing Institute, where you can read more about the research being done and watch The Earthing Movie: https://earthinginstitute.net/

The other film we refer to in this episode is The Grounded:

Gaetan also recommends the following Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/earthinginsiders

Editor - Andy Turvey
Music - Andrew Grimes
Content Editor - Cat O'Boaill
Artwork - Erica Frances George

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