Right Up My Podcast

Ep.7 - Getting Sh*t Done: How to overcome procrastination | Fiona Powley

Gwen Watson and Kate White Season 1 Episode 7

Ever had a task to do that for some reason you can never quite get round to? Or felt that uneasy feeling when you're chilling out, because deep down you know that there are other things that you really should be doing? Yup, us too! In this episode we talk to Change Coach, Fiona Powley, about procrastination and what's behind this frustrating but very common behaviour. She walks us through a series of techniques that we can use to overcome... and we're not talking timers and lists here.

If you'd like to receive Fiona's procrastination toolkit, put together especially for Right Up My Podcast listeners, then go to the following link: https://mailchi.mp/9008c70c76d0/rc8o5f84ml

To find out more about Fiona Powley and her work, head to https://fionapowleychangecoach.co.uk/

Watch Tim Urban's TED Talk, Inside the mind of a master procrastinator:

Editor - Andy Turvey
Music - Andrew Grimes
Content Editor - Cat O'Boaill
Artwork - Erica Frances George

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Thank you to our team:
Music - Andrew Grimes
Artwork - Erica Frances George
Social Media - Kate Balls