Right Up My Podcast

Ep.12 - SOMA Breathwork: Using it to manage stress and feel healthier and happier | Tim Snell

Gwen Watson and Kate White Season 2 Episode 12

We talk to SOMA Breath Master Instructor, Tim Snell, all about SOMA Breathwork. Tim explains to us what SOMA breath is and where it comes from, bringing together ancient breathing and meditation techniques, music and guided visualisation.

We explore ways to still the mind in moments of stress, feel healthier and happier by elevating your emotional state and create more balance in your body and mind.

Tim also guides us through a SOMA Breathwork session and we share a short extract of the intro to this in the episode.

So take a deep breath and dive on in...

You can join a  breathwork journey, book a 1:1 session with Tim or take part in a Virtual Retreat at https://www.timsnell.co/

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Thank you to our team:
Music - Andrew Grimes
Artwork - Erica Frances George
Social Media - Kate Balls