Right Up My Podcast

Ep.24 - Microdosing: Can it help with mental health and chronic pain? | Pamela Kryskow

Gwen Watson and Kate White Season 3 Episode 24

We talk to Dr Pamela Kryskow about the research she and her team are doing into the use of psychedelic drugs in the treatment of PTSD, anxiety, depression, addiction and much more.

Pamela is a Canadian doctor who specialises in psychedelic medicine, mental health and chronic pain. She is a clinical instructor at the University of British Columbia and a founding board member of the Canadian Psychedelic Association. In addition, she is involved in the largest ongoing microdosing study to date, Microdose.me 

We learn about clinical trials, the successes and challenges, the rise in popularity of microdosing and how in actual fact, we've been doing this since we started walking this earth. 

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