Right Up My Podcast
Right Up My Podcast is the podcast for those looking to explore different methods of self-care, self-love and ways to make you feel good.
Hosted by voice artist and presenter Gwen Watson and journalist and producer Kate White, Right Up My Podcast came from a mutual drive to find new ways to improve our own mental health.
Each episode we chat to a different expert about their feel-good forte, and then try it out for ourselves to see if it works... or if it doesn't.
It's frank, funny and honest, with the odd bit of over-sharing. So join us on Right Up My Podcast, because you deserve to feel good too!
Released fortnightly. Contains bad language and inappropriate laughter.
Music – Andrew Grimes. Artwork – Erica Frances George.
Support Right Up My Podcast here: https://www.patreon.com/rightupmypodcast
Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rightupmy
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552599655093
Right Up My Podcast
Ep.35 - Say No to Dieting: How to nourish healthy minds and bodies | Anna Anderson
Anna Anderson, author of the best-selling book From the Inside Out, joins us to talk about what it means to truly nourish our minds and bodies and break free from the outdated rules of diet culture. We look at why we comfort eat, and how pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone and working consistently towards loving ourselves is the best long-term approach to a healthy weight.
Anna is a health and female empowerment coach and believes that every single woman deserves to live unapologetically with confidence, freedom and joy. Sign us up!
She also sets Gwen and Kate the challenge to say the Hawaiian Ho’oponopono prayer to themselves every time they're being unkind to themselves. The words to the prayer are: "I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you”.
To find out more about Anna and her work go to: www.annaandersoninc.com
For more info on her book, From the Inside Out, go to: www.annaandersonuk.com/break-free-foundations-v002orig
In this episode, we also mention Forest Bathing and EFT (Tapping), and you can find out more in these other Right Up My Podcast episodes:
Ep.3 - Forest Bathing: https://rightupmy.buzzsprout.com/1337593/5852749-ep-3-forest-bathing
Ep.5 - EFT (Tapping): https://rightupmy.buzzsprout.com/1337593/6342457-ep-5-eft-tapping
Get a shout-out:
Want a mention on the next RUMPette? Tell us your feedback or what you do to make yourself feel good: rightupmypodcast@gmail.com
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Thank you to our team:
Music - Andrew Grimes
Artwork - Erica Frances George
Social Media - Kate Balls