Right Up My Podcast

Ep.62 - Attachment Theory: How better understanding our attachment style can transform our relationships | Sarah McConnell and Helene Igwebuike

Gwen Watson and Kate White Season 8 Episode 62

Therapists Sarah McConnell and Helene Igwebuike join us to chat about Attachment Theory. We dive into what it means to feel securely attached and what it’s like when you don’t. They break down how we form and manage attachments in all kinds of relationships – whether it’s with a partner, family, or friends. And how by understanding our own attachment style, we can improve these connections and make a huge difference to our overall well-being.

You can also join Gwen and Kate as they try (with varying degrees of success) to connect with their inner child.

Sarah and Helene specialise in Emotionally Focused Therapy. You can find out more about this, as well as find registered therapists, at the British Emotionally Focused Therapy Centre.

Find about more about both Sarah and Helene below:

Helene Igwebuike

Sarah McConnell

Thank you to our team:
Music - Andrew Grimes
Artwork - Erica Frances George
Social Media - Kate Balls

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Thank you to our team:
Music - Andrew Grimes
Artwork - Erica Frances George
Social Media - Kate Balls