Right Up My Podcast
Right Up My Podcast is the podcast for those looking to explore different methods of self-care, self-love and ways to make you feel good.
Hosted by voice artist and presenter Gwen Watson and journalist and producer Kate White, Right Up My Podcast came from a mutual drive to find new ways to improve our own mental health.
Each episode we chat to a different expert about their feel-good forte, and then try it out for ourselves to see if it works... or if it doesn't.
It's frank, funny and honest, with the odd bit of over-sharing. So join us on Right Up My Podcast, because you deserve to feel good too!
Released fortnightly. Contains bad language and inappropriate laughter.
Music – Andrew Grimes. Artwork – Erica Frances George.
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Right Up My Podcast
Ep.57 - The Flow: How to connect with your intuition | Danielle Collins
Join us as we talk to Danielle Collins about the philosophy of going with the FLOW – a life-enhancing technique to get you in touch with your emotions, intuition... and even your highest calling. Dani says that contrary to popular belief, ‘going with the flow’ is most definitely not the easy choice, rather it’s an invitation to do life differently.
You can also join Gwen and Kate as they try out one of Dani's techniques for listening to their inner voice.
Dani is a philosopher, astrologer, intuitive and coach. She’s the author of 'How to REALLY Go With The Flow: A Philosophy for Living a Magically Authentic Life' and runs workshops and 1-to-1 sessions.
To find out more about Dani's work head to her website
Discover her book and other products here
And Dani is offering an exclusive discount for RUMP listeners!
• For products in her shop use 'FLOW10'
• For working 1-1 with Dani (Astrology, Decluttering, Healing Sessions) it is 'FLOW11'
Discount runs from now until midnight on Halloween.
We also mention the following episodes of Right Up My Podcast:
Ep. 5 – EFT (Tapping)
Ep. 24 – Microdosing
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Thank you to our team:
Music - Andrew Grimes
Artwork - Erica Frances George
Social Media - Kate Balls
00:00:00:09 - 00:00:18:24
Speaker 1
There are many ways you can support write up my podcast, but we'd love it if you pick just one. You can join our rump club via Patreon from as little as 3 pounds a month. Get exclusive access to behind the scenes content. The inside scoop on upcoming episodes, members only workshops. No holds barred Gwen and Kate with a waffle, and more.
00:00:19:02 - 00:00:35:13
Speaker 1
Simply head to Patreon.com slash right up my podcast. Or if you prefer to be a one off supporter, you can send us a virtual coffee head to buy me a coffee icon. Slash right up my. Follow the links in our show notes and we will love you forever. Thank you.
00:00:35:15 - 00:00:45:24
Speaker 2
I come right up my street. My boulevard is right up. My straw's up. Oh my God, it's got it right up there.
00:00:46:01 - 00:00:51:01
It's right up my podcast. Oh.
00:00:51:03 - 00:01:13:17
Speaker 1
Welcome to Right Up my podcast. This is Graham Watson and this is quite and this is the star of season eight. I'm so excited that we've started a new season. I know I love doing these longer, in-depth interviews. I really miss them when we're between seasons. Yeah. And it feels but feels like usually we're coming back after a long break.
00:01:13:19 - 00:01:39:12
Speaker 1
Yeah, we've forgotten how to talk. We've forgotten what each other looks like. But no, because we've been through the rough patches between yeah, just wishful waffling our way through months of our lives. And now we're back to a bit more wishful waffle. But also we have got an excellent guest to join us. We have we are kickstarting the next season, season eight, with a brilliant talk with Daniel Collins all about living in your flow.
00:01:39:16 - 00:01:48:24
Speaker 1
Flow. Standing for Faith. Leap open and wait and we are going to go into that in more detail. But just to give you a little taste of what's to come, here's a little clip.
00:01:49:01 - 00:02:07:03
Speaker 4
There might be something that comes up missing. Oh yeah, I know I need to do that, but it's scary. You know, these things are often taken us out of our comfort zone. When you follow an intuitive life, you kind of go in towards your soul's life lessons and your growth areas, which takes you out of your comfort zone every time.
00:02:07:05 - 00:02:22:07
Speaker 4
So even though it feels true and right in your soul, there's always this part of you. It's like, oh no. But the leap is then the leap of faith. Because I say, like fear, you're living in fear if you don't take the action that you know you meant to do.
00:02:22:09 - 00:02:40:20
Speaker 1
An absolutely brilliant interview, one that gave me tears and goose bumps. And I think it's right up my podcast. Yeah. Oh. The feels you here? Yeah. Looking forward to hearing this one. And I was trying out afterwards. Yeah, definitely as a good try out on this one actually. I really enjoyed that. I always enjoy that.
00:02:40:20 - 00:02:54:13
Speaker 1
And that's actually a bit of feedback that we always get from people, how they love that we go and try it out. So just a quick welcome. In fact, while I think about it to anyone who's who's just stumbled across right on my podcast and not listened to us before, where the hell have you been? Where have you been?
00:02:54:17 - 00:03:18:00
Speaker 1
Go back and listen to every single episode in the last seven series. Please immediately and just let you know the way it works. Once we've had this chat with brilliant people like Daniel Collins, they then always says a cheeky little bit of homework. Who doesn't love homework and stuff like me, you know? And which we go away and we just give it a go and see if it feels like something that we can get on board with.
00:03:18:00 - 00:03:36:21
Speaker 1
Yes. And the homework is not just for us. She sets us to challenge for us and for you to try. So you could try it out yourself. Yeah. And then let us know how you got on. Please do. Meanwhile k bit of waffle. Waffle. What have you been doing to make yourself feel good. Yeah. And I feel like it's been a while because you don't really get into this in our, pets.
00:03:36:21 - 00:03:58:15
Speaker 1
It's been a while since we've had a good telly chat ahead. I need, I'm just. I need to get my fix. I need to get my Gwen telly recommendations. What are you reading? What are you watching? What is going to go on? Is that are we skipping straight to telly? Because I was skipping out the. Is that what you've been doing to make yourself feel good to.
00:03:58:17 - 00:04:21:00
Speaker 1
So it's been anything else was so premature of me. No. Let's talk about important things. What are we doing today? So feel good. There we go. There's this. There it is. It's been a while. Well, I've just been getting the sunshine on my face this morning. This is actually. We should just skip straight to telly, because what my thing was, I've actually taken the taken the effort to write down is that I hung washing out on the life.
00:04:21:06 - 00:04:38:15
Speaker 1
Yes. It's October. Yes. It just been raining this morning. In fact, water, rain, water was still dripping off the guttering, it off the plants, and there was me hanging out the sheets in the green again. Because I know. Because the sun was shining on my face. Know, I know I'm going to be bringing you all back in dab a bit later, but hey.
00:04:38:17 - 00:05:02:12
Speaker 1
Meanwhile, I was just I mean, I'm really getting into I'm leaning into this abrupt winter that we've been thrust into. I've got the winter coats back out. I've got the scarf on. I'm just, you know, I'm leaning in. Yeah, I have a wooly hat on as well this morning on my walk. Yeah. But at the same time, when that sun comes out and you feel a bit of warmth on your skin, you've got to get outside in it.
00:05:02:12 - 00:05:23:06
Speaker 1
That was my. That was my punchline to that. Definitely. And it does feel doubly joyful to feel the sun when you're not feeling it. 24 seven so all you people living in California, you're just bathed in sunshine all the time. You're not really appreciating it. It's my personal view. Get that. So get yourself to West Wales, to Bristol, get ten minutes a month and then you'll bloody love it.
00:05:23:08 - 00:05:43:21
Speaker 1
Yes. And to all our listeners in Australia, you don't know all those listeners like, oh God, it's getting towards winter. You don't know what winter is. You don't know nothing, you don't know nothing. Told our listeners in like Northern Europe and Scandinavia or North Canada, like, what are you chatting about, girls? You don't know what winter is. Yeah, exactly.
00:05:43:23 - 00:06:04:00
Speaker 1
But anyway, yeah. So I've been having a little bit of sunshine on my face. And on that note, at the weekend I went over to our designer, Erica Francis George's house. Big up to Erica. Amazing person. Please do check her out on Insta. She's got such an amazing, just great breadth of work that she does. I was very talented.
00:06:04:02 - 00:06:25:15
Speaker 1
She really is a she invited me out. Now, I don't know if you've listened to episode 24 all about microdosing. She invited me to go out. It is. Tis the season for the psychedelics in West Wales. Get you over to West Wales. There's another reason to come to West Wales. This is the benefit of having the dark and the cold and the drain.
00:06:25:17 - 00:06:41:14
Speaker 1
Yeah. Is that the mushrooms pop out. So, we went off on a little search and it is perfectly legal before you go calling the authorities to go out and pick a few bottles straight in your mouth. So, we did a little bit of microdosing, just just three. So you knew you knew what you were looking for.
00:06:41:14 - 00:06:58:07
Speaker 1
You knew exactly what you were trying to. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's not your first rodeo. It's not my first. And but also the little ones. If you get it wrong, it's no great. It's no great bummer. You know, you might get a little bit of a stomach ache later. It's not going to kill you. Now, don't take my word for that.
00:06:58:09 - 00:07:25:05
Speaker 1
By the way, lawsuits coming in left, right and center. Please do do your research before you go pick any mushrooms. But you said I can eat any mushroom. I'll be fine. But now I'm dead. So we just took three, a little microdose and then wandered around the mall and, and amongst the beautiful old trees with moss and lichen, and you just get a slight spangle, just a slight spangle in your peripheries.
00:07:25:05 - 00:07:51:24
Speaker 1
And it's just really you just feel the joy and it just makes you look in detail at where you are. And this is what they say, isn't it, when you go out in nature. I think Erica was saying this, reminded me of this weekend that you've got to just get really, like, look at the moss, look at the tiny little plants and the tiny little bugs and and then, you know, like, scan out and look at, look up and see the green leaves and the autumnal leaves.
00:07:51:24 - 00:08:16:04
Speaker 1
And it was a really. Oh, yeah. Wonderful exercise that gives a little tingle down my spine hearing you talk all the moss and stuff like that. Oh, I think that might be my love language. Grandma moss said again. I've, I've just got this vision of the of the Moors in west Wales near you just been full of locals and wondering about angling at the edges a little bit.
00:08:16:06 - 00:08:28:15
Speaker 1
I tell you all this time, yeah, it's a lot of people and they've all got this weird stick. They kind of bent at the hips with their faces just a couple of feet from the ground, gazing at the bugs.
00:08:28:17 - 00:08:30:10
Speaker 2
It's so beautiful.
00:08:30:12 - 00:08:50:18
Speaker 1
How we all see each other, like, hello. We all know exactly what everybody else is doing. It's amazing. Yeah. Getting out there and just, you know, and I think maybe especially important at this time of year to just be out there in nature. And then of course, it started raining. And then of course, you come indoors. We ran.
00:08:50:18 - 00:09:11:20
Speaker 1
We ended up running indoors in the end. Yeah. And then you get to sit in front of a log fire. Then you've, that log fire, haven't you. You're like, oh, look at me. My hair's wet. Yeah, but you don't have to strip all the layers off. Yeah. That's the best feeling. That's the best feeling. Yeah. And then and then as we know that I've been, I've been rekindling my writing.
00:09:12:00 - 00:09:40:20
Speaker 1
Yeah. In which I'm writing my. I am writing my book. Good. About how ChatGPT let you do it. Yeah, yeah. And so I sat there and just I don't know if it was the walk, the psychedelics, the mood that I was in, the reconnecting with nature. But I sat there writing with great fury, my pen being rising from the page, rising off my back, and, and until my arm ached and it was just.
00:09:40:20 - 00:10:00:15
Speaker 1
Yeah, what a lovely way to spend it off. Yeah, that is lovely. Really nice. Oh, happy times in West Wales. Times. Yes. Making the most of it out here. How about you? What have you been doing to make yourself feel good? Please? Well, I did a similar thing yesterday, but minus the mushrooms. I went for a lovely walk with my friend all along.
00:10:00:15 - 00:10:27:04
Speaker 1
This beautiful bit of riverway near bath, and it was just lined with houseboats. The most beautiful houseboats. Some of the worst day if repaired. The others. But just like all lived in, you know, smoke coming out the chimneys, beautiful flower pots on them, little quirky, quirky kind of details and the different different boats. And I was so dreamy and I just thought I would bloody love to live on a houseboat.
00:10:27:04 - 00:10:46:03
Speaker 1
If anyone listening to this lives in a house but you, you get in touch and let me know what it's like. So I genuinely would love to live on a houseboat. Do you not think this is a good idea? No one. Are you? Are you sure? I'm sure. If anything goes wrong, you're getting a leak, right? I mean, yeah, I would, I'm like,
00:10:46:05 - 00:11:02:10
Speaker 1
This. My friend was telling me recently how he used to live on a houseboat in London. He came back one day and it basically sunk. Oh, no. I think he'd left the top running. Oh, no. Yeah. You don't leave a tap running on a turn. It, Noted. Cold. Just cold. You have your little fire thing, don't you, you little.
00:11:02:15 - 00:11:20:05
Speaker 1
Wake up a light. Your fire. Yeah. You can't have a central heating coming on before you wake up. I particularly feel the cold. And then. Yeah, I mean, I think I. Was it a sunny day? I mean, yeah, saw me. It was all to me. You know, the vibe. The moss was tingling. Yeah. It's like, oh, look how wonderful seeing the smoke coming out of the chimney.
00:11:20:05 - 00:11:37:08
Speaker 1
Oh, I could live down there. Looks wonderful. Are you pissing all over my dreams here, Gwen, what's in this? Yeah, it's. I think it'd be a nightmare. I just think it'd be so lovely. And I like the idea of, like, obviously, I'm completely eradicating my children as my. And my husband from this plan. I'm on my dream life.
00:11:37:09 - 00:11:58:24
Speaker 1
Oh, my. Oh, my god damn boat. You're in flow, man. You could. Anything could happen. Oh, not. That's enough. Careful what you wish for. But. Oh, God. But I just like the idea of this sort of tight but beautifully formed little space, and I don't know. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Maybe I'm a bit kind of fantasyland about this one.
00:11:59:01 - 00:12:15:12
Speaker 1
I mean, maybe I could be proved wrong if anybody out there Liz lives on or has lived on a houseboat and has positive tales of how wonderful it was, and that it wasn't damp, cold or a pain in the ass to have to move your home every two weeks. Then please let us know. Write up my podcast.
00:12:15:13 - 00:12:24:17
Speaker 1
Achieve outcome. Do you turn your taps off on your houseboat? Get top tip.
00:12:24:19 - 00:12:46:08
Speaker 1
I was listening to What's Up my podcast. I went home and tie on top off. Thank God they chose my face. Oh yeah, none of those ChatGPT changed my life, right? My podcast changed my life. Do you read that book coming out? Anyway, yes, I do know what a sunny day can make. Anything's possible. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it can, it can, it can.
00:12:46:08 - 00:13:03:22
Speaker 1
I've got to like, I've got to keep that fantasy bubbling along. It's the sort of thing when I'm drifting off to sleep at night, I just sort of imagine what my houseboat would look like. Oh, well, just don't ignore those messages. Yeah, yeah. Oh, do you know what? I've got an idea for you. Oh, yeah. Come on. Why don't you go on a houseboat holiday?
00:13:03:22 - 00:13:19:10
Speaker 1
Oh, there we go. That might just scratch that itch, Martin. It might just try it for a week, stay on it for a week, and then see if you bloody want to live on Monday. There we go. Yeah. Okay. There's a report back. We have a solution. Really? Oh, telly. So, Okay, let's get on with telly.
00:13:19:10 - 00:13:40:00
Speaker 1
So I've been watching, anybody with Apple TV? Slow horses, new series. Oh, my God, you're like the 2,000,000th person to tell me about Slow Horses. Yes, and we have Apple TV, so I've not watched it, but everyone keeps going on about it. You can. There's always these offers. I get a month free. Yeah. Just go and find one of them.
00:13:40:00 - 00:13:59:09
Speaker 1
Do better. Yeah, yeah. And, what's it about? It's Gary Oldman. Oh love him Gary Oldman gone to seed. If one can imagine I just we my friend who watch it my mate Matt. Hello. Who comes around every week. We're on the fourth season now. Yeah I we're just always like just Gary Oldman like look like this in real life.
00:13:59:09 - 00:14:13:14
Speaker 1
Now does he just have to look like an overweight alcoholic who. He lives on Jaffa Gate? That's the only way he'll get a role if he, No. In this, like, because he's doing series. Oh, see, look, he like this guy. Like to. How can he? Does he get back to looking normal and healthy in between? You know, I don't know.
00:14:13:14 - 00:14:30:07
Speaker 1
I haven't googled it. Surely it's probably less healthy for him to get back to weight than put on the weight than lose weight? Yeah, it's probably more healthy for him just to stay looking like that, to stay looking like that. So I wonder about anybody like Fred. Oh, Gary. Gary. He's good looking man. And was, Not anymore.
00:14:30:07 - 00:14:55:14
Speaker 1
Not in services. But anyway, that's beside the point. He is leading, he works for MI5, and he's leading a group from MI5 of people who've basically been kicked out of the main house by HQ because they've all done something a bit wrong. They're the rotten. They've all fucked up at some point. Exactly. They're the rotten apples, the slow horses, and they've all been banished to this like shit house in Slough, away?
00:14:55:16 - 00:15:20:08
Speaker 1
Yeah, banished to Slough. Does life get any worse? It might not be Slough, but, you know, I'm. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. So. And he heads up that team. But actually, he's really, really fucking clever. And, and some of the team, I'll tell you. And, Yeah. And then, like I'd say the first season is definitely the best one on the fourth is back up scratch and but yeah.
00:15:20:08 - 00:15:41:04
Speaker 1
And it's, it's yes, it's MI5, it's terrorist speak shit going down. Spies and. Yeah. And this team of reprobates. Yeah. Trying to solve the crimes is great. Oh, okay. Okay. This is the time of year to get into something new, because I always bulk a little bit at the prospect of getting into a new show where there's like, five seasons already out there.
00:15:41:04 - 00:15:54:18
Speaker 1
And, you know, that's a serious commitment. But hey, what to do in the winter? We're getting into the dark months, right? This is the time no turns on the list. If one more person tells me to watch out, I'm going to shoot myself. So I think I just need to bloody well watch it. Yes, you bloody well do.
00:15:54:18 - 00:16:14:10
Speaker 1
And can I just tell you what else is coming back? What about UK? Any recommendations? To take it up a notch. Yeah. I'm very excited that the second series of Alma's Not Normal is now officially out on BBC. I'll make Dave Jones. If any of you listen to the, Pat obviously lists the moment, obviously you do.
00:16:14:10 - 00:16:17:07
Speaker 1
Obviously it's the ROM. It's the rom pad.
00:16:17:09 - 00:16:21:12
Speaker 2
Ladies and gentlemen, it's a the trumpet.
00:16:21:14 - 00:16:42:09
Speaker 1
That is the voice of none other than Dave Jones who stars. He doesn't star. Sorry, sorry, Dave, but he is in it who is not normal. He runs the Greasy Spoon Cafe. Where have my secret girl crush Jayde Adams works? Best friend of alma. It's brilliant. Go and watch it. Watch season one. If you've not watched any of it at all.
00:16:42:12 - 00:17:06:19
Speaker 1
Otherwise it's great, right? It's so good. Yeah. So proud of you, Dave. Excellent TV recommendations. Kay. Yeah. Another brilliant thing about that show is a lot of it is real lived is based on lived experience by. Oh shit, I can't remember the name of the actress who plays alma Sophie Whelan Whelan. So she actually she actually popped up in that in that BBC TV show Ludwig starring.
00:17:06:20 - 00:17:28:02
Speaker 1
She did. Mitchell she did, which I really enjoyed. Yeah, I was really surprised by that. And a lot of it is based on her lived experience, which part of it involved experience of being in care. And as part of the production process of the show, they've set up a mentoring scheme where X percentage of the production crew are from young people who have had experience, have been in care.
00:17:28:08 - 00:17:46:05
Speaker 1
So they've got this amazing, this amazing mentoring scheme to kind of give people opportunities and to as broad a group of people as possible. So, yes, such a great show, good honor. It's Sophie Will. And by the way, Sophie, when you were very close to I say, well, and you're very, very close, I have this weird thing.
00:17:46:05 - 00:18:11:20
Speaker 1
I just find it so hard to remember names. Not just for absolutely no chance. Yeah, yeah. Faces. I recognize all the faces of all the people. I wouldn't know any of your names. Sorry. That's why we have. That's why we have IMDb. Yeah, because otherwise the Lord. Yeah. And ChatGPT, of course, every episode brings it back, obviously. By the way, I'll say it's actually to save my life.
00:18:11:20 - 00:18:16:09
Speaker 1
Coming out soon. Waterstones like Watson.
00:18:16:11 - 00:18:20:09
That's right up my podcast.
00:18:20:11 - 00:18:40:06
Speaker 1
So this is episode 57 All About the Flow. Yes. We talked to Danielle Collins who is a philosopher, astrologer, intuitive and a coach. She's the author of How to Really Go with the flow A philosophy for Living a Magically Authentic Life. And she says that contrary to popular belief, going with the flow is most definitely not the easy choice.
00:18:40:11 - 00:18:48:17
Speaker 1
Rather, it's an invitation to do life differently. We started our chat with Danny by asking her what does she mean by the word flow?
00:18:48:19 - 00:19:14:20
Speaker 4
For me, I discovered the flow philosophy, which is kind of there's four stages to to this philosophy, which are faith, leap, open and wait. And it's kind of like, a cycle that we go through over and over again and with great understanding of it, it helps you to navigate it better. So it's the cycle of change and transformation and personal growth.
00:19:14:20 - 00:19:18:16
Speaker 4
Really. Do you want me to go into each of the four stages?
00:19:18:18 - 00:19:20:21
Speaker 1
Yes. You know, I'm like a present.
00:19:20:23 - 00:19:42:18
Speaker 4
Yeah, I think it helps. So really, flow always starts with faith. So it's kind of checking in with yourself about what you currently believe in. What are your go to things to connect with yourself and to connect with something greater than you? Okay, so I try not to make it as prescriptive as like it needs to be spiritual.
00:19:42:18 - 00:20:05:10
Speaker 4
It needs to be religious. I like it to be personal to you. So it's kind of checking in with, okay, where are my interests? What have I been taught as a child? And does that actually resonate with me? Can I question those things now? I'm an adult. Do I need to discover my own tree? So you start to explore things and that can be as simple as, you know, following your curiosity.
00:20:05:10 - 00:20:21:22
Speaker 4
So if there's like a particular course or a book that you want to read and there's loads of moments, then you start to come back online to your own connection. So I don't know if you currently have you guys kind of currently feel like you have a belief system or a connection.
00:20:21:22 - 00:20:47:03
Speaker 1
God, it's like such a good question because this is something I actually personally think about a lot. And I don't feel like I have a formalized belief system, but there is something and I haven't been able to quite articulate it or, encapsulate it, but it's there. Does that make any sense? Hahahahaha. Oh no no.
00:20:47:03 - 00:20:52:20
Speaker 1
Unpack that if you want.
00:20:52:22 - 00:21:12:05
Speaker 1
I wonder if for me, because I always talk. I always believe in the universe, so would that be? And I think I have and to differing differing degrees depending on where I am. But I think at my core, I have a faith in the universe and a trust in the universe. And sometimes when I'm really stuck with stuff, I have to kind of go, okay, go and surrender.
00:21:12:07 - 00:21:19:01
Speaker 1
Yeah, and I kind of have a trust that I'm being held and that, yeah, that it'll all be okay.
00:21:19:01 - 00:21:46:11
Speaker 4
Yeah. That's beautiful. That's the kind of thing because it's like, say it takes pressure off you and it's like, because we can often feel so alone and think, I've got to do all this and I've got to make these things happen. But there is like support available to us if we are aware of it and we ready to connect with it, you know, so that is beautiful that every now and again when you feel yourself being stressed, then you just go, oh, whoa, hang on a minute of falling down that that hole of, oh, I'm doing this all by myself.
00:21:46:11 - 00:22:24:00
Speaker 4
And this needs to be hard when actually if I just take my foot off the gas for a minute and step back and say, okay, help me, send me what I need, I'm open to receiving support, help, guidance, like draw me back into my body, help me to relax. So I'm I'm getting hot as I say that. So I'm channeling some healing energy through the the listeners because it is a hard thing to, accept and fully integrate because it's like really, you know, but this is through lived experience and kind of living in that way that it helps you to see that there is magic beyond your own capabilities.
00:22:24:00 - 00:22:38:00
Speaker 1
Do you know what I'm hearing? You just explain and describe that. I felt this huge sense of sort of relief wash over me like a oh, it's okay. Yeah, just take a step back and not have to be, like pushing all the time.
00:22:38:02 - 00:23:04:12
Speaker 4
Yeah. It's that trust in yourself. Like to know when to do something and when not to do something and to just notice those stress early warning stress signs and go, oh, okay, let's go back in, go away, then check it. And then I always I go within and I go up because I'm connected to you, you know, my spirit guides and, and I can channel information from things that I cannot see, which was a gift that I discovered during lockdown.
00:23:04:12 - 00:23:25:12
Speaker 4
And that's kind of where the books and Kane came from as well. But, you know, everyone's got different levels of this connection and everyone's at different stages. So I just want to make sure that everyone feels included in that conversation. It doesn't have to be my way, you know? It just needs to be because you're early stages developing what your faith is, where it's going a little bit more.
00:23:25:14 - 00:23:52:05
Speaker 4
Yeah, and it's the universe for me. I trust in the universe like the universe has my back. That, you know, the Gabby bouncing book kind of thing is a really good one to start with, just to open up your eyes to a different way of thinking. So then once you've got this kind of faith that's developed, and the longer you can spend in that space of like really honing that and connecting and being sure that you know what you believe in and, and standing in that trees, then you start to listen to it.
00:23:52:07 - 00:24:12:20
Speaker 4
Okay. So it's like your intuition comes online and you're like, okay, what's my intuition telling me at the moment? What's my body communicating to me? Am I listening? What would it like me to do? And so there might be something that comes up me saying, oh yeah, I know I need to do that, but it's scary. You know, these things are often taken us out of our comfort zone.
00:24:12:20 - 00:24:27:18
Speaker 4
When you follow an intuitive life, you're kind of going towards your soul's life lessons and your growth areas, which takes you out of your comfort zone every time. So even though it feels true and right in your soul, there's always this part of you. It's like, oh.
00:24:27:18 - 00:24:32:04
Speaker 1
No, do I have to? Oh yeah.
00:24:32:06 - 00:24:52:10
Speaker 4
Yeah, I'm fine. Just leave me alone. You know, so that there's always a little bit of, you know, a discomfort in it. But the leap is then the leap of faith. Because I say, like, faith is not a faith if you're not taking action. Right? Without, you know, is fear. You're living in fear if you don't take the action that you know you meant to do.
00:24:52:12 - 00:25:06:03
Speaker 4
And it's trusting that, you know, with intuition and faith you only get the next step. You don't get the five year plan. You don't get the outcome. You don't get what you want. You get what you need is, oh, it's very triggering, let's put it that way.
00:25:06:03 - 00:25:10:08
Speaker 1
Really interesting. So you just get you just get a feeling for what the next step needs to be.
00:25:10:12 - 00:25:41:19
Speaker 4
That's right. Yeah. And it may be the tiniest of things. And those things get overlooked because they're so small, but they're important. You know, it could be just like, you know, sometimes as simple as like really deep cleaning your space because that's like energetically shifting something. That's feng shui. You know, sometimes it's like, you know, you've had like an emotional release and then suddenly you want to, you know, declutter, take some stuff to charity that is letting go of the old and making space for something new.
00:25:41:21 - 00:25:46:01
Speaker 4
And some people find it really hard to moment of realization.
00:25:46:03 - 00:26:03:04
Speaker 1
Oh yeah. No, I feel 100% feeling this because I'm going through a big shift, emotional shift and letting somebody go at the moment. And I've got this deep urge to go around every inch of my house and declutter and get rid of stuff. And I'm like, I've got a book tip trip and I've got a yes.
00:26:03:05 - 00:26:24:02
Speaker 4
So in the deep urge, you know, you just know you need to do it. And you may feel like I don't have time to do that. I got other things to do. But actually, if that's the thing that you use your body and so is showing you now, that is your priority and that really is your only priority, if you ask me, is always following the intuitive nudge every single day and then you're on track.
00:26:24:02 - 00:26:52:04
Speaker 4
That's all you have to do and surrender to the rest, you know? So, you know, that's that's awesome that you're in tune with that and you recognize that because then it's about, okay, I hear you, let's do this. And then if it's challenging, it's being with that because the next stage is open okay. So once you've taken this leap of faith, you've usually been guided to let go of something or step towards something that is a bit scary, you know?
00:26:52:06 - 00:26:59:01
Speaker 1
So hang on, let me just get this straight. So number one is faith. Number two is leap. Yes. So leap is some action it's moving towards.
00:26:59:01 - 00:27:11:20
Speaker 4
Yes. It's even if it's uncomfortable. Yeah. It's like right I've got to do something I'm scared but I'm going to do it anyway. You jump into the unknown basically you let go because you know it's right but you don't know what's coming. So scary.
00:27:11:22 - 00:27:12:24
Speaker 1
Yeah, yeah.
00:27:13:01 - 00:27:17:14
Speaker 4
So then you go into this open stage, which is the oh, shit, what am I done?
00:27:17:16 - 00:27:20:05
Speaker 1
Yeah. Okay.
00:27:20:07 - 00:27:46:23
Speaker 4
And I want to normalize that. You know, I want to normalize that. Nobody tells you that. They think when you follow your intuition. Life's easy breezy, and everything is okay and everything works out well. No. You're human. You know, you have fears. There's a lot of insecurities that come up. And like, you are also grief facing what you've let go of, even if it feels true and right to let go of it, even if it's like a mutual, like understanding with someone.
00:27:46:23 - 00:28:05:16
Speaker 4
Sometimes things are taken away from you. If you're not paying attention to these signs, by the way, you can have the tower moment where things are taken away from you suddenly, like you made redundant, you know, or you you go move out of your house, things like that. So the universe is always trying to guide you to your soul's correct path, you know?
00:28:05:16 - 00:28:23:13
Speaker 4
And so you have free will. You can choose to do what you want. You can ignore that all the signs and they can get louder and louder and make you feel more and more uncomfortable until you act on them. So it's always, I say, it's always better to do it yourself than be pushed. I think that's both, you know, and they're both uncomfortable, if I'm honest.
00:28:23:13 - 00:28:29:05
Speaker 4
But, you know, it's kind of nicer on your terms. So. So then you're going to do it.
00:28:29:07 - 00:28:43:14
Speaker 1
Yeah, I, I've just agreed to everything I'm saying. I'm like yes. Yeah. Like like I was saying that I'm going through the process of like something go. And you've made the decision, you've taken the leap. And then yeah, you're like, what am I doing? This really hurts. Yeah. And it's yeah.
00:28:43:20 - 00:28:58:17
Speaker 4
Yeah, it is painful to let go even when you know it's the right thing to do. It's always sad, like I'm letting go of my hand at the moment and I know it's the right thing to do. But I love this space. It's been so good to me for so long, and I'm going to have to do a little letting go ritual.
00:28:58:17 - 00:29:13:10
Speaker 4
I feel that because I just want to honor, like, how beautiful it's been and I'm grateful for it. But I also know I've outgrown it, you know, ready for something else? And I don't know what that thing is yet. No. Like, oh, God, here we go.
00:29:13:12 - 00:29:33:08
Speaker 2
I gotta be somewhere soon. But my heart's stuck in this room. Thinking about the love we shared and how it all just disappeared. I don't know where I'm going, but I know I can't stay here. I gotta find a way to move on and leave behind this fear. I packed my bags and said goodbye to all the things that made me cry.
00:29:33:13 - 00:29:51:13
Speaker 2
I'm on the road to find myself and leave behind this broken shell. I don't know where I'm going, but I know I can't stay here. I gotta find a way to move on and leave behind this fear.
00:29:51:15 - 00:30:13:18
Speaker 1
So you said letting letting go ritual. So how do you cope with that? Because I guess there's a sort of sliding scale of intensity of emotion. Isn't there? But that that being open to the fact that this is painful and it's uncomfortable and I'm, I'm feeling really difficult feelings in the even though I know it's right. Have you got any advice for people who are in that right now how to get through that.
00:30:13:20 - 00:30:16:00
Speaker 4
Yeah. The only way through it is to feel,
00:30:16:02 - 00:30:17:21
Speaker 1
Oh gosh, just think about that.
00:30:17:21 - 00:30:36:19
Speaker 4
I'm sorry I'm getting know the tingles as I say that. So I know that's important for me to say, but you cannot outrun emotions. I spent all of my life doing that, and I was denying how deeply emotional I was as a person until I stopped during lockdown. And then I was like, oh, I'm with myself when I have to be with myself.
00:30:36:21 - 00:30:38:17
Speaker 1
Oh my God, who am I.
00:30:38:22 - 00:30:40:03
Speaker 4
To know it's you, not me, of.
00:30:40:03 - 00:30:40:20
Speaker 1
Emotions I've.
00:30:40:20 - 00:31:00:19
Speaker 4
Been holding back forever and like, and now I need to tend to them. So I cried and I cried and I cried. And the more pain I let out, the more joy and pleasure can come in. Because you can't have one without the other, you know? And it's just showing you how much you care, how much someone has touched you, how much you know you love, you know.
00:31:00:19 - 00:31:23:07
Speaker 4
And it is incredibly excruciating, really painful. At times it can be like, you know, it's physically painful sometimes the amount of emotion we can experience as humans. But that's the beauty of us. We're here to feel, you know, we're not yet we're not robots. We're here to show our hearts and be open and be like, oh my God, I'm really hurting at the moment.
00:31:23:07 - 00:31:42:20
Speaker 4
So there are tools to help with this. You know, obviously you can connect with healers. You can get cool in support. I teach people how to do the EFT tapping because that's like a self soothing technique just to move things through the body. But often it's just the case of being with yourself and saying, oh my God, I'm in so much pain right now.
00:31:42:20 - 00:32:00:22
Speaker 4
I'm feeling this. Where am I feeling that in my body? And then you might, you know, you might be guided to a particular area of your body and it feels tight or tense, and then you just send love to it and just be with it and accept it, you know, trying to force it or change it. You just allow it, you know?
00:32:00:24 - 00:32:22:22
Speaker 4
Yeah. And so, you know, everyone has stages of flow which are easier and harder depending on your personality or upbringing. You know, everything like that. So if there's if, if, you know, really being with your emotions is the tricky one, then that's where you need to learn some skills to do to, you know, to kind of because you can't flow without all four.
00:32:22:23 - 00:32:28:06
Speaker 4
It's like four wheels of a car. If one's flat, you know, going anywhere, you know?
00:32:28:08 - 00:32:29:07
Speaker 1
00:32:29:09 - 00:32:31:18
Speaker 4
So I kind of have emotion in you there again, did I?
00:32:31:19 - 00:33:00:24
Speaker 1
Yes. Yeah. This always used to be a thing. I remember in the early ones, Kate would be like, oh, that one's made me cry. Or that was like a sign. If it was a good episode and I was like, ten minutes and I'm already. There we go. Let's be the first in a while. But I was also going back to what you were saying about somehow, sometimes if we kind of know that we have to make a shift, but we get stuck in our comfort zones because that place is super cozy, and then the change makes is made for us.
00:33:01:01 - 00:33:18:12
Speaker 1
So same with my house that I moved in here and it was only supposed to be like a temporary place for me to kind of get my feet and then find my forever home. And, but I've got comfortable here, and now it's being taken away from me. And because the my friend, the owner wants to sell and it's like, oh, okay.
00:33:18:12 - 00:33:30:19
Speaker 1
And so really hard when I first got that news, I'm really sad. And then I was like, oh no, this is absolutely what I need to do. But yeah, then that decision is being made for you. It's like universe, universe going, okay, give her a kick up the ass.
00:33:30:19 - 00:33:55:01
Speaker 4
It's not just the nudge that you need, you know, is the supportive notes that you need. And at the time you think, fuck you universe. Like, how dare you do this to me? Take my home away when I'm going through a change already. Like this is not on, you know? And they get really intense. Very horrible. But with hindsight inclined like you will see at some point, it's been the making of you and it is important that that change happens.
00:33:55:01 - 00:34:03:03
Speaker 4
But a lot of people just want to dig in and stick with what they know because, yeah, it's like the unknown versus the known.
00:34:03:05 - 00:34:08:04
Speaker 1
Yeah. I think as a whole, us humans do find change quite difficult, don't we?
00:34:08:06 - 00:34:34:18
Speaker 4
Yeah, it is, it is by change is always difficult. But it's also beautiful because by like, you know, you can easily focus on what you're losing and the stress of the change, but it also opens up these new and beautiful opportunities and connections and new spaces to occupy and new relationships to call in. So you need to remember that it's happening so that you can bring in something even better than what you've already had.
00:34:34:20 - 00:34:52:08
Speaker 4
And I always question it like even though I've done this a thousand times over and done it all the time and I'm like even when I have to like, you know, declutter my, my wardrobe or something and I let go of clothes. I think I still like pairs. Like why you think I'll let that go. But then I find, say, you know, a couple of weeks later I'm like, oh, that's who I am now.
00:34:52:08 - 00:34:55:15
Speaker 1
That was who I was. Yeah, now look at me.
00:34:55:16 - 00:35:19:06
Speaker 4
Like, you don't know that in that two week period, you're thinking, oh, I wish I could wear that now. And, you know, you reminisce, you you go into your emotional body about it and that's okay. Yeah. You know, but actually it can be trusted. And the more you do it and the more you gather up your own experiences of it, the more it kind of you trust the process and keep going.
00:35:19:08 - 00:35:40:07
Speaker 4
Because when you're new to it, you like really, you know, and and you can start with smaller things. You don't have to do it straight away with big things like you can try and start with smaller things like, you know, just to like if you're noticing where maybe you're connecting with someone and normally you wouldn't say that thing that you want to say, but your intuition is saying it's really important that you do.
00:35:40:09 - 00:35:58:08
Speaker 4
So you just find the courage to say a bit more of what you would want to say, you know? And it just shifts the dynamic of that relationship. And either they receive your truths gracefully because they are a true friend and they're good for you, or they show you that they haven't been the true friend that you've thought they were all along.
00:35:58:08 - 00:36:10:21
Speaker 4
And sometimes we protect ourselves from that, too. Does that make sense? You know, if I speak my truth, are they going to like it? Do they actually like me for who I am? Or do they like me for the version that I'm pretending to be?
00:36:10:23 - 00:36:17:20
Speaker 1
Yeah, right. So. So this is you talk about this a lot, don't you? Being authentic.
00:36:17:22 - 00:36:18:13
Speaker 4
00:36:18:15 - 00:36:25:06
Speaker 1
And talking. And you talk about joining the Honesty club. Yeah, yeah. So being balls to the wall, who you are.
00:36:25:07 - 00:36:41:13
Speaker 4
And it's not easy I don't I can't even do it 100% that all the time myself. You know it's a journey. Part of me like you know, we've all got egos. A part of us doesn't want to share our vulnerability at times, you know? And you're like, oh, no, I want to be seen this way. I don't want to be seen like that, you know?
00:36:41:13 - 00:37:00:07
Speaker 4
But actually you're going to be loved a lot more for the vulnerable side of you. Then there's like the ego side of you. So it's okay to soften and to like, drop into who you are because that's where, you know, truth, intimacy and connections live, isn't it? If you know yourself, you know, really what's the point?
00:37:00:07 - 00:37:22:21
Speaker 1
You know, see, there's something really wonderful and beautiful when you do have one of those moments with someone, isn't it, where you do share something sort of intimate, or you do make yourself vulnerable and that other person responds in such a positive way, and that can be such a beautiful moment. But I guess on the flip side of that, some people do use that sort of phrase, you know, speak your truth or being authentic as a sort of get out of jail free card for just being a bit of an asshole.
00:37:23:01 - 00:37:26:16
Speaker 1
And that's not that's not what we're talking about here, is it?
00:37:26:19 - 00:37:36:20
Speaker 4
Yeah. So truth always needs to be delivered with sensitivity. And so people and a little bit, you know, if you're a fire sign Aries Leo, Sagittarius you don't really have a filter. So he comes.
00:37:36:20 - 00:37:37:07
Speaker 1
Out. Yeah.
00:37:37:07 - 00:37:38:12
Speaker 4
To be received a bit.
00:37:38:12 - 00:37:41:09
Speaker 1
You've got one of those in my friend group. Yep. You know, and.
00:37:41:09 - 00:38:00:04
Speaker 4
Say that's the thing. Like sometimes you can you know it's personality types. Everyone delivers their truth differently. And some people find it easier than others and some are more bold with it than others. But if if the intention behind it is pure and good, that's what's felt. You know, you can fluff it up and still apologize later. If you've if you've got it a bit wrong, you don't.
00:38:00:05 - 00:38:17:02
Speaker 4
I didn't quite mean it like that. But you know, you know, you need people that are forgiving of you learning to be honest. Yeah. Also, you can also use so show up and be the first one to be vulnerable in a connection. And then it just allows the other gives the other person permission to do the same. Yeah.
00:38:17:02 - 00:38:26:05
Speaker 4
But also sometimes it doesn't go like that. And that can be really disappointing because you can open up your heart and share with somebody and they're just not ready to meet you on that level.
00:38:26:07 - 00:38:29:17
Speaker 1
No, they just give you the look and you're like, oh, I've overstepped the line. Yeah.
00:38:29:18 - 00:38:32:03
Speaker 4
It's like, all right, now I feel exposed.
00:38:32:04 - 00:38:36:00
Speaker 1
I yeah just joking. Yeah, yeah.
00:38:36:00 - 00:38:37:15
Speaker 4
Like what.
00:38:37:16 - 00:38:39:21
Speaker 1
Now. Yeah. And I say.
00:38:39:23 - 00:38:42:03
Speaker 4
Like, if it's navigating.
00:38:42:05 - 00:38:42:17
Speaker 1
00:38:42:17 - 00:39:01:00
Speaker 4
People, different circumstances, all sorts of things play into this. So it's just having a bit of humility around it all and just and like even just saying, like I'm actually trying to be more honest and I'm, I'm feeling uncomfortable as I'm doing this, you know, you can even say that like, I just think just say it all. Yeah.
00:39:01:02 - 00:39:03:09
Speaker 4
And then people know where they're at with you, don't they?
00:39:03:09 - 00:39:08:13
Speaker 1
Yeah, yeah. Can I go back a couple of steps? Stop me. Yeah. Still.
00:39:08:13 - 00:39:08:22
Speaker 4
00:39:08:23 - 00:39:12:24
Speaker 1
Stuff that we want to explore here. Back to the the the faith.
00:39:13:02 - 00:39:13:14
Speaker 4
00:39:13:14 - 00:39:37:11
Speaker 1
What advice if you got for people who are like, I'm still working that bit out. I'm still trying to work out what it is that is at the root of how I'm feeling right now. And I don't feel like I can get to the sort of the letting go and the being open to it, because I haven't even worked out how to sort of strip away all the noise and all the, the, the busyness in my head to, to be able to sink down to that level of being able to connect with my intuition.
00:39:37:17 - 00:39:54:17
Speaker 4
So good question. Intuitively, I feel like I want to take you to the open stage, okay. For the faith. Okay. You could tap on even though I'm even there. I don't know how I'm feeling, even though I can't connect with myself. I love and accept myself completely. You know, as you go through a round of tapping.
00:39:54:17 - 00:40:01:21
Speaker 1
Just for the listener, Danny was like tapping that point just between your wrist and the bottom of your little finger. Then, yeah, the karate chop.
00:40:02:01 - 00:40:02:13
Speaker 4
They call it.
00:40:02:13 - 00:40:03:15
Speaker 1
Karate chop point.
00:40:03:17 - 00:40:04:17
Speaker 4
Yeah, the fleshy bit.
00:40:04:23 - 00:40:12:23
Speaker 1
So and if and also to the listener, if you would like to learn a lot more about tapping then episode five, we chat to Brad Yates.
00:40:13:00 - 00:40:13:07
Speaker 4
00:40:13:08 - 00:40:19:00
Speaker 1
And all about tapping. So, yeah, if you'd like to know more, carry on.
00:40:19:02 - 00:40:47:12
Speaker 4
Yeah. That is just acknowledging where you are right now and allowing that to be what it is. Just be like, oh my God, I've just realized that I don't know what my faith is and I love and accept myself anyway. You know, it's kind of just being where you are. And then even just a simple acknowledgment of that and acceptance of that can really you could then the next day have a light bulb epiphany a moment and be like, oh, no, I, you know, and there and moments happen when you are relaxed enough to receive them.
00:40:47:14 - 00:41:08:16
Speaker 4
So when you're out on a walk or you're in the shower, you're not thinking about it. It's not something that you you kind of force yourself into. It's something that you allow to arise within you, but you need to create the space to do so. And sometimes people are so they have so many emotions that they haven't felt or wanted to look at.
00:41:08:17 - 00:41:26:07
Speaker 4
They've got into this distraction mode, which is where I was and not realizing it. And then as soon as you do stop, you're like, whoa, it can feel totally overwhelming to be with yourself because there's so much there. And that's where you can, you know, reach out, get support as well. There's loads of, you know, I offer sessions, there's loads.
00:41:26:09 - 00:41:47:22
Speaker 4
And again, trust your intuition about who you need to connect with. Right. Just just hold space with you while you figure some stuff out because we all need support, you know, openness also about receiving receiving support. And you see when you let go of something, you need to start to open to receive support in ways that you've never done before that can again feel really uncomfortable.
00:41:47:23 - 00:41:54:15
Speaker 4
Sure. Like, oh, now I'm going to ask for help and I'm going to have to receive help. And that can be crazy for us as well.
00:41:54:15 - 00:41:55:10
Speaker 1
You know.
00:41:55:12 - 00:42:16:08
Speaker 4
It brings out like your worthiness problems and all sorts of stuff. So there's a lot to it. There's only and you know, it's a lot to understand and to kind of embrace, but there is no rush with flow is very slow, slower than you would ever imagine it to be. You just have new eyes open to this now.
00:42:16:08 - 00:42:32:14
Speaker 4
And the next step could just be, you know, read the book digest, let that sink in for a bit, and then it could just be, okay. Which stage of flow do I feel most? And we can do that. It's a homework piece. But which stage of flow do I feel needs the most attention at this moment in time?
00:42:32:16 - 00:42:46:08
Speaker 4
And you can just you know, you'll know. You'll know where you need to go. And then you develop a skill that can help you with that stage.
00:42:46:10 - 00:43:14:05
Speaker 2
Deep breathing very slowly. In your nose and out your lungs. Feels good. Can feel kind of dreamlike. Letting your time.
00:43:14:05 - 00:43:20:07
Jump for one.
00:43:20:09 - 00:43:24:04
Speaker 2
I didn't know I could.
00:43:24:04 - 00:43:28:06
Control my mind.
00:43:28:08 - 00:43:43:03
Speaker 2
What an incredible trick to find lead. Oh, dear.
00:43:43:05 - 00:44:02:08
Speaker 1
This is somebody who's listening, going. Oh, I do not know what's going on here. Or is it just as basic as kind of like tapping into your intuition and being open to receive? I think you've said this. Yeah. Being open to receive messages. Yeah. It's like when we start to think to ourselves, oh, I'd like to be a writer.
00:44:02:10 - 00:44:10:21
Speaker 1
And then the next day somebody says to you, I've got a friend who's a writer that you should meet. It's like being open to those signs and yeah, following.
00:44:10:21 - 00:44:25:05
Speaker 4
Them, that's it's trusting and following your intuition, you know, or spiritual guidance or faith of choice, whatever it may be for you. You know, it could be a gut feeling. It could be like some people believe in angels and there's all sorts of things to different.
00:44:25:05 - 00:44:29:00
Speaker 1
It could be a higher self, it could be your ancestors. It's whatever, whatever you.
00:44:29:02 - 00:44:37:17
Speaker 4
Whatever it feels most true for you. But it is generally connecting to things which don't make logical sense, but they make total sense.
00:44:37:17 - 00:44:44:04
Speaker 1
That really resonates with me, actually doesn't on paper says doesn't make sense, but actually it just feels right.
00:44:44:05 - 00:45:10:15
Speaker 4
Intuition never makes logical sense. And so when you're sharing this journey with others, they'll question you. They know that doesn't make sense. Well, the grass isn't always greener and everyone puts their fears straight on you. You know, they project their worries and fears on you. So you do need to protect yourself as you get good at this kind of way of life so that you can just lead by example and show them they may not join you, but you can inspire them anyway, you know?
00:45:10:17 - 00:45:13:10
Speaker 4
Yeah, I say it's only for the brave.
00:45:13:12 - 00:45:22:05
Speaker 1
Yeah, we brave enough, is the question. It really is boldly going, yeah isn't it. So we've done the FDI video.
00:45:22:10 - 00:45:47:17
Speaker 4
So now we've got the W which is weights which can be so challenging, so challenging for a lot of people. Or it can be the one that they get stuck in because they're the ones that are resistant to change. So waiting is when you are being given like a gift from the universe. Time to recover, to rest, to recuperate.
00:45:47:22 - 00:46:09:04
Speaker 4
And occupying that space again can trigger a lot of stuff because you're like, well, I should be doing something when I've got time to do this. You know, there's a there's a resistance to it. You know, there can be a lot of judgment around it for yourself and from others. The whole, what have you done today? Yeah. But kind of relaxed and took good care of myself.
00:46:09:06 - 00:46:09:15
Speaker 1
00:46:09:17 - 00:46:39:00
Speaker 4
Hey, dare you, you know, because the thing is, when do you all flowing? You've just cracked yourself open in the most beautiful way, really. But it's exhausting. It's physically exhausting on the body. It's emotionally exhausting. Change takes time to just land with you and integrate. You need to ground yourself, you know, and just be for a while. She don't kind of go straight into another leap, you know, you need to just go, whoa.
00:46:39:00 - 00:47:10:17
Speaker 4
Okay. What just happened there? Oof! Take a breath and just tend to simple things. Get back to the simple pleasures of life. To some people, like, if you will. So I combine astrology in with it as well, because your astrology chart can tell you a lot about which areas are going to be easier or harder for you. So if your earth sign you know towards further Capricorn, then you might actually like that weight stage of being keeping things the same and not changing and just being where you are.
00:47:10:21 - 00:47:27:23
Speaker 4
And keep going. Just keep going, keep going. But that's without doing the letting go bit. So then you get stuck in stagnant and that's when the universe comes in. Is saying, we're going to have to pull the rug from under this girl's feet because she's never going to change, you know? Whereas if you're a fire sign, you're impulsive, you love change.
00:47:27:23 - 00:47:35:15
Speaker 4
You're like, come on, I just get things shifting, you know? So there's there's personality types that play into this as well. Does that make sense? Yeah.
00:47:35:16 - 00:47:36:06
Speaker 1
It makes total.
00:47:36:06 - 00:47:38:07
Speaker 4
What what what star signs are you guys.
00:47:38:13 - 00:47:42:02
Speaker 1
I'm Virgo I'm Earth sign Capricorn and.
00:47:42:03 - 00:47:42:16
Speaker 4
00:47:42:18 - 00:48:00:01
Speaker 1
Yeah I'm earth. But interesting to listen to talk that I feel like I'm a mixture of those two things because I'm not very good at just allowing that stage to settle on me. I have a reflex to just fill my time and keep busy. Maybe because it's easier to do.
00:48:00:03 - 00:48:01:01
Speaker 4
Signs that do is.
00:48:01:01 - 00:48:01:16
Speaker 1
Okay to do.
00:48:01:16 - 00:48:08:04
Speaker 4
Well, to be working. They love to be achieving. Yes, they're very goal focused. Like 100.
00:48:08:04 - 00:48:09:05
Speaker 1
Percent off my next.
00:48:09:05 - 00:48:25:17
Speaker 4
Go. Well, you go go go. You know so it's yeah there's a lot to it. It's a complex astrology is a complex subject. And you're not just your star sign. You know, you need to know what your sun, moon and rising are okay to give you a full picture. And even that is only a tiny snippet of what's really going on, because there's.
00:48:25:17 - 00:48:26:08
Speaker 1
00:48:26:10 - 00:48:35:16
Speaker 4
Compasses on you. But as a Capricorn, like you're naturally logic logical. And this the faith thing would be a challenge for you. Be like, yeah, but where's the science behind it?
00:48:35:18 - 00:48:40:05
Speaker 1
Oh my God, that is great.
00:48:40:07 - 00:48:47:16
Speaker 1
I could literally hear her. She was thinking about. It in the brain. But it happens in the body, you know.
00:48:47:16 - 00:49:04:12
Speaker 4
So it's it's kind of solitary until you've had a reading, I would say. Because again, that's that's another tool from the universe to say it's a map of your soul's path. And, and again, it's the challenge to lean into that map and to go towards the things it is asking you to do and how to show up in the world.
00:49:04:14 - 00:49:22:11
Speaker 4
But it's also the most fulfilling way for you to do life. And again, these are all just light. It is either it lights you up and you want to, you think, oh, I'm intrigued by that. I'd like to experience it for myself. I always, like, just recommend experiencing things for yourself, you know, and following your curiosity. That's what faith is about.
00:49:22:11 - 00:49:38:10
Speaker 4
It's just like, oh, I keep seeing I keep see workshops for that subject. And like, you know, is keeps being put right in front of my face all the time. Yeah. That that's the sort of thing that you need to respond to and be like, there's something here for you. And it might just be you go on that course and someone you need to meet.
00:49:38:10 - 00:49:52:00
Speaker 4
Yes. It might not be about the actual course, but that's what flow is. If you feel intuitively guided, we think, all right, I see you and you follow it, then you'll be nicely surprised by it in some way, but it won't be in the way that you think it will be.
00:49:52:02 - 00:50:04:02
Speaker 1
Doesn't that feel like such an exciting way to live your life though? I love that, yeah, and giving yourself that possibility of this feels right. Don't know why or where it's going to lead, and just allowing yourself to sort of go on that adventure.
00:50:04:03 - 00:50:31:18
Speaker 4
Yeah, not most people, let's be honest or like quite control freaks. We all like it our way. We want things to feel safe and to be predictable in a way, because that's our comfort zone. So is saying, okay, I'm going to let go of control. I'm going to surrender. I'm just going to trust. And so it's not a natural way of being for a lot of people, but it's an option.
00:50:31:20 - 00:50:47:06
Speaker 4
00:50:47:08 - 00:50:55:18
Speaker 1
So as you know, we like to try these things out ourselves and we want you to try out too. So we asked Danny to set us a challenge.
00:50:55:20 - 00:51:17:08
Speaker 4
So you can just stand up and you can tune in with yourself. Take. Always take three deep breaths before you do any kind of connection, technique. So you just take three deep breaths and then you just ask yourself a question. So that might be, you know, do I know do you have a question that you have at the moment.
00:51:17:10 - 00:51:26:17
Speaker 1
Could it be something like I was going to say, should I take that job? But then that's obviously that's a bit more nuanced because obviously financially sometimes you have to take a job.
00:51:26:19 - 00:51:30:08
Speaker 4
No, you need to say, is that job in my highest interest?
00:51:30:13 - 00:51:33:01
Speaker 1
Okay, okay, let's do that then.
00:51:33:01 - 00:51:55:08
Speaker 4
Okay. Yeah. So is that job opportunity in my highest interest to go towards okay. So you're standing there, you've taken your three deep breaths and you just notice if your body starts to sway forward or back. And if it's forward it's a yes, it wants to go towards it. And if it's back it's a no. And just play around with it.
00:51:55:08 - 00:52:12:14
Speaker 4
It might your head might get a bit too involved to start with because you're in you might be in a heady place at the moment. So it's all about dropping into the body and the taking the three deep breaths drops you straight in and then you do. It's about trust and just allow it to be what it is.
00:52:12:16 - 00:52:26:01
Speaker 4
Okay? Because you might have like, a desired outcome or preferred response which can interfere with with it. And you play around with it and you'll start to see how to make it work.
00:52:26:03 - 00:52:33:01
Speaker 2
Give it a try, give it a try, won't you please give it a try? You should give it a try, won't you?
00:52:33:01 - 00:52:53:08
Speaker 1
So thank you so much to Danny for taking the time to have that really great chat with us, and you can find out more about her work, about the 1 to 1 sessions and the workshops she does, and also about her book Hold On, Hold On. Her book called How to Really Go with the Flow. Plus she has all sorts of other things on there, such as Oracle cards and all sorts of really fun stuff.
00:52:53:08 - 00:53:18:09
Speaker 1
So go check out her website. It is flow with Danny Dot. Co.Uk. Check it out. How are we spelling Danny? Just to be sure, because there's many ways in this world isn't there? Well done. Good. And that's very good. Point is Danny flow with Danny Dot. Co.Uk brilliant. Oh I am so excited that this is our first episode of the season, Kate, because we started with one that brought tears into my eyes.
00:53:18:09 - 00:53:45:15
Speaker 1
That brought goosebumps to my arms. It felt like a good one to start with. Did it? Yes. So how did you get on with the homework? I really enjoyed it and actually I went a bit freestyle as well, so I did the whole the whole teenage classic. Okay. It went off script. So in our interview with Danielle, she took us through this exercise to help you work out where you are in the flow, because it was very visual with the way that we did it with Danielle, it didn't really work as a sort of core part of the interview, but I just wanted to go and kind of recreate it in my own time and
00:53:45:21 - 00:54:08:16
Speaker 1
see if it helped me get a feel for where I am in this flow journey. Yeah. So I drew on a piece of paper, a little semicircle, and divided it into four quarters, and from left to right I wrote in each quarter, face, lip open and wait. And then what? I did now she had a chain with a heavy pendant on one end, which is something she'd had for a long time.
00:54:08:16 - 00:54:27:05
Speaker 1
She used a particular name for it, but she was like, look, don't get hung up on it. It doesn't have to be something expensive you buy from like a new age shop in Glastonbury. It could just be anything. And actually I just chose a necklace, something I'd had for ages. I've worn for ages, so I figured I've probably got some relationship with it, and I just hung it over the middle of this semicircle.
00:54:27:11 - 00:55:02:22
Speaker 1
Well, and I started doing a little 360 rotation. I just let it spin round and round and round, and then gradually it stopped spinning and it started just going back and forth in one spot. Oh, over one of these, these quarters of my semicircle as I was asking a question. Now, anyone who does it well, anyone who's been listening to my podcast for a while will know that out of the two of us, Gwen and I, I am the last person to get on board with things a little bit too out there.
00:55:02:22 - 00:55:31:18
Speaker 1
Wacky, shall we say. Gwen will have her life defined by a pendulum. She's going for it. Be? Yeah. Give me my five year plan. You will be making major life decisions based on this case. Like, where's the science? I'm not so sure, but actually, it really surprised me. And I did it twice with a bit of gap between each time asking myself a different question, thinking about stuff in my personal life.
00:55:31:20 - 00:55:55:15
Speaker 1
It lands on open, right? And thinking then about stuff in my work life. It landed on weight. Okay, so this is suggesting that in both of these areas you've already taken the leap. Yeah, you've already listened into the to the signs from the universe of where from. And once you're in the you're in the aftermath. Yeah. The waiting and I think I have I think that's true.
00:55:55:15 - 00:56:15:15
Speaker 1
I think over the last five years I've done a lot of kind of who am I, what am I doing, where am I? And I've made quite a lot of big changes by changes. Yeah. Work life and personal life. I do feel like I have gone through that phase. Phase and through the leap phase, like I've made those leaps and I'm definitely now hovering between open and wait.
00:56:15:17 - 00:56:37:24
Speaker 1
Right? Yeah. And how did that feel? Was that helpful? Was genuinely really helpful actually. Yeah I think and it been trying to hear what you think about this because we'll go on and talk about the leaning task that she set us, because I think actually it just confirmed what I already knew, but I didn't quite have the confidence to land on and sit with.
00:56:38:01 - 00:56:56:08
Speaker 1
So. And is that that you don't need to make any other big changes right now because you've done the big changes and you're just waiting for the new things to come, I think sign up in your life, I think so, and to be open to what those new things are as they arrive. I think I'm like straddling those two sections.
00:56:56:10 - 00:57:15:10
Speaker 1
Typical. Yeah. Classic. Kate, because she loves to straddle. Find me a tightrope, walk it untied. And a fence. She'll sit on it. Anyway, so I want to go and talk about this lean thing that she asked us to do that she suggested we do, but, But we've had enough of me for now. How about we go over to you for a minute?
00:57:15:10 - 00:57:42:11
Speaker 1
Did you give it a go? Yes, I did, and actually it's something that I've done before. Funnily enough, I really there's a thing called belief coding and I can't remember where I, where I found it probably on Instagram, let's face probably anywhere else. Yeah. Most of the influences in my life. So one of the things we had to do was exactly this stand up, breathe to get into your body, ask questions, and then your body leans forwards or backwards.
00:57:42:13 - 00:58:02:05
Speaker 1
For yes or no? Yeah. And you can start with like what do they call it? Like control questions like, here's my name, Gwen. And just test that. It's, you know, test that it's testing. But this morning I was on my walk on the coast path, and I stood there overlooking the sea, and I was asking if I pursue x, y, z.
00:58:02:10 - 00:58:21:12
Speaker 1
Is that in my highest interest? Yeah. And it's amazing. Then you do feel your body literally lean to the front or then swing to the back, and you and I find it like I was doing deep breaths and I found like once I did the deep breath out, my body would swing one way or the other and it was quite clear.
00:58:21:16 - 00:58:36:14
Speaker 1
And then there was a couple of questions I asked. I think if it didn't have a clear answer or there wasn't a clear answer, I guess it didn't go either way. I just sort of swayed a little bit, maybe side to side. Okay, for example, I've got to move and I don't know where I'm going to move to.
00:58:36:14 - 00:59:07:22
Speaker 1
I don't know if I'm going to stay in the area. Yeah. Like the world is my oyster, right? Yeah. Oh that's exciting. And so I was like, am I going to stay in the area? And it's like, yes. And am I going to stay in Newport? Yes, I was okay. Oh yeah. Okay. I'm happy. Yeah. Yeah. But then anyway then I found that I moved slightly, I was slightly uncomfortable under one of my feet is a bit rocky, so I moved back a foot and then asked a lot of the similar questions and got completely the opposite answer.
00:59:07:22 - 00:59:08:15
Speaker 1
That was so funny.
00:59:08:19 - 00:59:11:01
Speaker 2
I love the idea that you like. I don't know what you're saying.
00:59:11:01 - 00:59:37:06
Speaker 1
But you do this. You're like, oh, a pit, I'm on a hill. I'm leaning back for everything. Oh my God, let me try. Yeah, it's I'm just getting no answers cos I was going on then my. So I did it again. Yes some of them did give me the exact opposite. But I then just asked loads of questions and was really getting into feeling it really strongly, either going forward or back, or if it wasn't sure, just leaning slightly side to side.
00:59:37:08 - 00:59:56:18
Speaker 1
And you know what, I thought? So I did think, well, it's slightly inconclusive, but what I did think it did was make you kind of tune into your body. Yeah. And you know, in like the way when you're doing heads or tails and they say if you can't make a decision, two heads or tails and then when it lands, see how your body reacts to the answer it gives.
00:59:56:18 - 01:00:16:09
Speaker 1
Yes. So if you're like, shall I go to the bowl or not. Heads. Yes. Tails. No. And it says no. And you go, oh yeah, I want to go. And you know that you should have got that. Yeah, yeah. So I feel like in a way it really works on that. Yeah, yeah. On a couple of when it did lean back and I was like, oh no, actually I don't want that.
01:00:16:09 - 01:00:38:22
Speaker 1
I was like, okay, so now I actually know what I want. Yeah that's useful. Yeah. You from that. Yeah. So I do think I mean some of it was. Yeah. Quite, it's quite spooky I thought, but then like I said obviously a little bit inconclusive because, but maybe that's because I was wobbling around or the coastal path. But yes, if nothing else is a good way of tuning in, I think so.
01:00:38:22 - 01:01:00:15
Speaker 1
And focusing on on that question. Yeah. And just maybe finding, trying to feel if the answer is in there, if you do really know, just strip away maybe some of the surface noise, try and find the actual answer. Yeah. And that's what it's doing isn't it. It's like when Glennon Doyle goes and sits undercover. Yes. And lets the answers come to her.
01:01:00:15 - 01:01:26:16
Speaker 1
And tapping into what you know at your core, without all the stories and bullshit and the brain getting involved on top 100%, I think you just summed it up perfectly there. I was surprised at the sensation. Oh yeah, so strong and strong. Yeah. And it felt like it wasn't something that I was consciously in control of me. I expected to have that feeling of like, yeah, I know I'm actively leaning back a little bit because I think I know that's what I want.
01:01:26:19 - 01:01:44:13
Speaker 1
It didn't feel like that conscious level. So whatever it was, whatever that answer was, was buried deep somewhere. Yeah, yeah, it did make me stop in my tracks a little bit, actually. Yeah, yeah. And and I really liked this. I reckon I'm going to. Well, I'm about to leap ahead. I, I'm going to answer the question that I know you're going to answer me in a minute.
01:01:44:13 - 01:02:09:23
Speaker 1
Okay. You can do it again. Quick. Get in there before I jump the gun. I think I will actually, because I'm sure it's one of those things. The more you practice it and the more you do it, the more you get a sense for whether it feels right or not. Yes. So if you're at the bus stop and you suddenly see someone next to you, do a kind of Michael Jackson from the Smooth Criminal video impression, you know that they're asking themselves some tough questions and just leave them be.
01:02:09:24 - 01:02:28:14
Speaker 1
Just give them some space. So what I'm saying. So, Gwen, would you do it again? Yeah. I mean, if I remember, because obviously my memories, this is what it could be. Another one of these fantastic tools that I completely forget. It's in my tool bag. But, yeah, if I remember that. Yeah, I think it's a really useful way of tuning in and and working out what you really want deep down.
01:02:28:16 - 01:02:37:24
Speaker 1
Yeah. So yeah. Love it.
01:02:38:01 - 01:03:02:11
Speaker 1
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01:03:02:11 - 01:03:23:05
Speaker 1
That's Instagram and TikTok at Right Up my or on Facebook at Right Up my podcast. You can join the club, support us, the podcast and the people who work on it and get exclusive content at Patreon.com forward slash right up my podcast from as little as 3 pounds a month or alternative. You can make a one off donation for as much as you like.
01:03:23:07 - 01:03:44:19
Speaker 1
Buy me a coffee.com/right up my thank you to our incredibly talented team. That's Andy G on the music Erica Francis George on the artwork and Kate Bowles on the socials. Thank you you lovely people. We'll be back next week with a crumpet. And then the week after that we'll be back with our next long right on my podcast episode, where we'll be talking to Rob Hopkins all about the power of the imagination.
01:03:45:00 - 01:03:55:12
Speaker 1
Don't miss it. Meantime, keep doing things to make you feel good. Bye bye.
01:03:55:14 - 01:04:25:23
Speaker 2
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01:04:26:00 - 01:05:00:24
Speaker 2
Such rare gems. Lovely views that all should be aware of. But I hope you liked our podcast and you thought it was really great. And if you did like, subscribe and tell your mate. Because we don't need grumpy pants bringing everybody down. No, we don't need a negative. Nelly is making people frown. No. So I hope you liked our podcast and you thought it was really great.
01:05:00:24 - 01:05:07:23
Speaker 2
And if you did like, subscribe and tell your mates to.